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Press Releases


2-8-21 CityBizList LI - Dr. Broz appointment

2-8-21 Psychology Today - Yamila Lezcano High-Profile Suicide Article

2-8-21 South FL Hospital News - Dr. Broz appointment

2-9-21 Faborplumb FF - Dr. Broz appointment

2-10-21 Doral Tribune (MCN) - Dr. Broz appointment

2-22-21 Miami's Community Newspapers - Dr. Broz appointment

2-23-21 CityBizList - March 10 Webinar

2-23-21 Psychology Today - Dr. Tourgeman Feb. Article

2-25-21 Coastal Star Events - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

2-25-21 Eventbrite - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

2-25-21 - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

2-25-21 Fort Lauderdale on the Cheap - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

2-25-21 GoRiverwalk Events - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

2-25-21 Miami on the Cheap - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

2-25-21 Events - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

2-25-21 New Pelican - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

2-25-21 New Pelican Online - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

2-25-21 On Miami Events (Spingo) - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

2-25-21 Soul of Miami - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

2-25-21 - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

2-25-21 Sun Sentinel Events - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

2-25-21 The Published Reporter - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

2-25-21 WhoFish - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

2-25-21 WLRN Events - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-1-21 Broward Children's Services Council Newsletter - Relationships Webinar

3-1-21 Faborplumb FF - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-1-21 Hot Spots Online - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-1-21 Sun Sentinel Online - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-1-21 Sun Sentinel Twitter - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-3-21 Macaroni Kid FTL - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-3-21 - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-3-21 South Florida Reporter - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-3-21 SSCN Boca Times - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-3-21 SSCN Gateway Gazette - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-3-21 SSCN Pier Review - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-3-21 SSCN Riverside Times - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-3-21 SSCN Sawgrass Sun - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-3-21 SSCN The Forum - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-3-21 SSCN The Trailblazer - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-3-21 SSCN West Boca Times - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-4-21 Hot Spots Print - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-5-21 Miami Herald Online - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-6-21 Islander News - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-7-21 Miami Herald Print - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-8-21 Broward Children's Services Council Newsletter - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-8-21 Sun Sentinel Online - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-10-21 SSCN Boca Times - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-10-21 SSCN Delray Sun - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-10-21 SSCN Gateway Gazette - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-10-21 SSCN Pier Review - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-10-21 SSCN Riverside Times - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-10-21 SSCN Sawgrass Sun - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-10-21 SSCN The Forum - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-10-21 SSCN The Trailblazer - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-10-21 SSCN West Boca Times - Relationships Webinar 3.10.21

3-22-21 SFHN - Dr. Tania Diaz Op-Ed (Heart Health)

3-25-21 Psychology Today - Yamila's March article

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